Derby Guide & Scout HQ
120 Osmaston Road
01332 372658 (opening hours)
Opening hours
Thursday 5.30pm to 8.00pm
Second Saturday of each month 10am to 12pm
Closed in August
Chesterfield Guide shop
St. Margaret's Drive
01246 278336 (opening hours)
Opening hours
Tuesday 3pm to 7pm
Every 2nd Saturday 10am-12noon (Term time only)
Closed in August
Where to buy Guiding supplies
The Guide Shops stock a wide range of Guiding items including clothing, badges, gifts and Girlguiding publications - almost everything in the Guiding Essentials catalogue - if we don’t have it in stock, we can get it for you!
There are two guide shops in Derbyshire, one at the Guide and Scout HQ in Derby, and a Guide shop in Chesterfield. Both shops are manned by volunteers and all profits benefit local Guiding.
Derby Shop
We would prefer to receive your order in advance via the shop email address to enable us to prepare your order ready for your collection on a Thursday. There will be no opportunity for trying on any uniform but returns will be accepted in the original bag with shop receipt. We will be following Government guidelines, having a limited number of people in the shop at any one time due to the size and to keep you and the volunteers in the shop as safe as possible. Information will be clearly displayed before entry to the shop.
Our currently ordering arrangements have been successful and this will continue for the foreseeable future.
Derby Guide Shop email is girlguidingderbydepot@gmail.com
Chesterfield Guide Depot
We are open on a Tuesday from 3:00pm - 7:00pm and the 2nd Saturday of each month between 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
A suggestion: if you want to save time order before you visit us - either email chesterfielddepot@gmail.com or ring 01246 278336 (during opening hours) A reminder: orders can be posted out to Leaders.